The Truth That Sets Us Free: My Journey of Healing and Hope
Hello dear friend,
As I share parts of my story with you, I want you to know that I'm writing not from a place of being stuck in the past, but from a place of healing and freedom. The hurts I once carried no longer weigh me down, and that's all thanks to the transformative power of Jesus Christ.
As I prepare to launch my book "Blooming in the Shadows," I want to share with you that I am no longer stuck in the pain of my past. Once I brought my wounds into the light, I felt a tremendous weight lift from my soul. Of course, the enemy still tries to sneak in and stir up old fears, but I cling to this truth: I have given all my trauma and baggage to Jesus, the ultimate Healer. I believe wholeheartedly that the more I share my story, the more healing is released - for myself and for others. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. If I felt that His sacrifice wasn't enough to cover my past and sins, then what would have been the point of it all?
Before coming to Christ, in my 20s, I searched for meaning in all the wrong places. I dabbled in New Age practices and even bought a Buddha figure, not realizing that by dipping my toes into these waters, I was opening a spiritual door for the enemy to stake a claim on my life and mind. Over the past few years, I have immersed myself in God's Word and learned much about spiritual warfare. There are so many choices we must make if we want to reach the Promised Land of wholeness and freedom.
I invite you to join me on this journey through my blog posts. God never intended for us to walk alone or to have it all figured out at once. It's a process of discovery, revelation, and growth. And most importantly, as you read, I encourage you to spend time asking God to reveal His unique message to your heart. It's through our personal encounters with Him that truth takes root most deeply. Remember, I am merely a sower of seeds; it is God who does the transformative work in our hearts.
Speaking of giving our wounds to Jesus, I want to share a powerful truth with you: we don't have to carry our hurts alone. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to "cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." Jesus invites us to bring our burdens to Him and exchange them for His peace.

One practical way to do this is through a "Hurt Handover" prayer. Here's how it works:
Find a quiet place where you can be alone with God.
Picture Jesus sitting with you, His eyes full of love and compassion.
One by one, name the hurts, wounds, and traumas you've been carrying. Visualize placing each one into Jesus' open hands.
As you release each hurt, say a simple prayer like, "Jesus, I give You my pain from ____. I trust You to heal and redeem it."
Once you've handed over all your hurts, take a moment to receive Jesus' peace. Picture Him enfolding you in a warm embrace.
Remember, this isn't a one-time fix, but a daily practice of continually entrusting our wounds to the Healer. Little by little, as we release our grip on past hurts, we make space for Jesus to bring wholeness and freedom.
Friend, wherever you are on your own journey, know that healing is possible. The truth of God's Word has the power to set us free from the chains of our past. As you read these blogs, I encourage you to lean into your own relationship with God. Ask Him to reveal His truth to your heart. Let His love be the lens through which you see your story.
Remember, you are not alone. We're all on this journey together, one step at a time. And with Jesus as our guide, we can trust that He will lead us into the healing and freedom He has for us.
With hope and grace,